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  • ✊ Winter is coming, how I'm preparing for the recession, getting the most value out of Twitter, and more...

✊ Winter is coming, how I'm preparing for the recession, getting the most value out of Twitter, and more...

πŸš€ Updates from The Indie Creator | Issue #35

Hey there πŸ‘‹

Hope you're good.

A quick update: The next Indie MBA event is this week, it's with Kevon Cheung and its around Twitter audience building. So  book your seats fast.

Now, let's get started πŸ‘‡

❄️ The Creator Economy Winter is coming

Over the last couple of years the creator economy has grown exponentially. 

All of us moved online, so creators building an audience online got a lot of attention, and revenue.

Which caused many creator economy startups to flourish in these times. These are startups serving creators build an audience and a business.

But now, we're looking at a recession over the 12-24 months.

The global economy is going to contract, spending will reduce, there will be less money to go around.

All of this means that revenues aren't going to look good for the next couple of years.

And VC funding is also going to dry up for startups.

Of course, indie startups don't mind that, as their focus is revenue first with minimal costs. As my friend Dago describes with such eloquence in his meme:

And dare I say, indie creators like me don’t mind a recession as well.

Continue reading to check out how I am preparing for the recession, the bets I'm trying and why I think they have a chance of working out:

Further Reading on the recession

How Startups Can Survive the Creator Economy Winter | Napkin Math

YCs letter to founders:

Interesting Nuggets

There is no overnight success.

It takes 10 years to build a business. Proof from ConvertKit's creator economy survey.

Creator Income by length of time

How to get value out of Twitter.

This is exactly how I use Twitter, not necessarily for follower growth, but to build cool stuff and meet interesting people. 

It's not about Product Market Fit

It's about channel/offer fit. Well said Jakob.

"Why Facts Don’t Change Our Minds"

From James Clear:

6 more long read recommendations in this thread.

Pro Tip of the week

Reuse your Twitter content from 3 months ago.

3 reasons for this:

  1. People crave novelty, they want "new" content.

  2. But they have short memory, so same ideas, with different words feel fresh

  3. The need to get your message multiple times before they understand it. So tweeting anything once never makes sense.

Recommended Follow of the week

Prolific Indie Hacker. Builds products at a lightning speed.

Shares his journey authentically on Twitter. Plenty to learn from Damon.

That's it for this week.  See you next week πŸ‘‹

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 if you’ve not been having fun here, please consider unsubscribing.

I don’t mind.

No hard feelings.

I’d rather you unsubscribe than not open the newsletter.

But if you do enjoy it.

Please do me a favor, please ask one of your friends to subscribe.

It would mean a lot to meπŸ™

