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  • ✊ Twitter is not a free university, the creator middle class, pivoting this newsletter and more...

✊ Twitter is not a free university, the creator middle class, pivoting this newsletter and more...

πŸš€ Updates from The Indie Creator | Issue #34

Hey there πŸ‘‹

Hope you're good.

A quick update: I'm making a small pivot with this newsletter. Adding a bunch of recommended reading and curation.

I think there's value in good curation.

But I will still be sharing my personal updates and spiky opinions. Just that they will live on my revamped personal blog.

So let's get into itπŸ‘‡

🀚 Twitter is not a Free University

It’s become quite common these days for people to start a Twitter thread with the phrase - β€œTwitter is a free university”.

And then go on to share a mundane listicle with no depth.

I think these threads are more harmful than useful to the readers. I explain myself here

No, Twitter is not a free university

🎨 State of the creator economy - A Survey by ConvertKit

Very interesting results in this survey, this 1 insight stands out the most to me:

Look at the top 2 income streams of full time creators.

Going from "middle class" to "top class" is often about a switch from offering services to selling products.

Of course, correlation is not causation. The switch is not a guarantee of success.

But it is a pattern worth noticing.

I'm a small time creator not making a lot, but my focus for this quarter is to build more products than offer services. Let's see 🀞

Read the survey on ConvertKit

πŸ’ͺ The law of reversed effort: The harder you try, the harder you fall

Love this concept.

  • "There are many moments in life when trying too hard is counterproductive. Aldous Huxley called this the law of reversed effort.

  • It mirrors an old idea found in Daoism, Wu Wei, which is to step away from all the busyness and just let things happen.

  • There are many practical ways in which this can be applied, from writer's block to penalty kicks."

Read more on Big Think.

(h/t Vrushabh )

🏦 Starbucks is a bank

Great thread, great hook and a great business strategy

πŸ“ƒ Update your Twitter Bio

Listen to Justin, some great tips on how to make an effective Twitter Bio.

Going to implement these lessons in my own bio soon.

πŸ€— More from me

🏫 Indie MBA - The next event

So the first event of the Indie MBA event series went well last week. We had a nice discussion about finding business opportunities in niche online communities.

(I renamed it from "Indie Business Lessons", it sounds more cool now πŸ˜…)

The 2nd one is already planned.

It's with Kevon Cheung. He will be sharing his tips and lessons on how to build an engaged following on Twitter.

It's on May 26th, you don't want to miss it.

This a free, but private event, book your seats fast.

πŸ¦‰ Tweets you may have missed

That's it for this week. See you next week πŸ‘‹

Important note:

if you’ve not been having fun here, please consider unsubscribing.

I don’t mind.

No hard feelings.

I’d rather you unsubscribe than not open the newsletter.

But if you do enjoy it.

Please do me a favor, please ask one of your friends to subscribe.

It would mean a lot to meπŸ™

