10 Twitter β€˜Hacks’ You Should Try

How I've been Tweeting every day for 18 months | #52

So I've been Tweeting every day for 18 months now.

Actually I don't know the exact date when I started, but it was some time in early 2021. And I know for sure that I haven't missed a single day of Tweeting since then.

Why is that important?

Twitter's algorithm penalizes your reach if you miss posting tweets for a day or two. I've heard stories of people losing more than 50% of their impressions when returning from a break.

So a daily tweeting habit makes sure that you continue to maximize the reach with the following you have already built.

I use 10 tactics on a regular basis to get the most out of Twitter.

Some people may call them 'hacks' but I like to call them tactics πŸ˜…

10 Twitter Hacks you should try

Over the last 18 months I've built systems and frameworks around content creation, engagement and repurposing to help me keep running on the Twitter treadmill.

Without going crazy!

I've taken regular breaks and vacations during this time. I sleep well and workout for 60-90 minutes every day.

I've worked hard to not let Twitter consume me while still getting the most out of it.

These 10 hacks help me do it -

1. "Reply with Emoji" πŸ‘‹

I use this because there are 2 problems with the Twitter algorithm.

It -

1. Punishes directly link posting - to keep people on the platform.

2. Optimizes for engagement - more replies and conversations.

This hack solves both problems.

I couple it with Auto DM functionality to send links to people who are interested.

This launch announcement of Copy OS got 43K impressions, and more importantly, 800 people on my list in 7 days!

Copy OS Launch Tweet

2. Scheduling tweets

Twitter *feels* like a platform for spontaneity.

But I write my best stuff when I'm NOT on Twitter. So I can write 20 solid tweets in a 2 hour writing session.

But I don't want to publish them immediately and spam my followers.

That's where scheduling helps.

3. Analyzing followers

If you don't know who you are writing for, then you will never be able to create content that's useful.

I use Followerwonk to analyze the bio word cloud of my followers.These are words that people who follow me use in their Twitter bio to describe themselves.

This helps me craft content specifically for them. This is what it looks like today morning -

4. Lists

I'm a big fan of lists, I can intentionally engage with the people I want to regularly this way.

I have numerous lists based on topics and audience size.

One of my favorite public lists is called - Highly Effective Tweeple.

It's followed by almost 350 people.

It has 30+ super valuable accounts. Follow it here.

5. TweetDeck

Big fan of TweetDeck.

I open this every day before opening Twitter.

Helps me track all my notifications, mentions, DMs and the lists I want to engage with.

This is like my Twitter CRM/Inbox -

6. Twemex

This is a great tool to find anyone's best tweets.

As well as to search particular keywords in my own tweets. I recently used it to write a thread about Josh Spector.  

I could look at his best tweets/threads and distill his top lessons using Twemex. Look at the right side bar in this screenshot -

7. Repurpose threads as blog/newsletter issues.

After I write a thread, I turn it into a blog post and publish it on my blog or share in a newsletter (like this).

This is the reverse of what most people do. But when I'm writing for Twitter, it forces me to distill the ideas to their essence. This makes the posts better, more actionable and useful for the audience.

8. Reuse Tweets

I repurpose my best tweets from 3-6 months ago.

2 reasons -

1. New audience gets proven insights

2. Old audience gets a reminded of proven insights.

And many tweets tend to do better the 2nd time -

9. Archive my best tweets.

I save and re-look at my best tweets every few months.

They give me ideas for my newsletter, blog posts and future Twitter content as well. This is a screenshot of the last time I did the archival exercise. I track -

  • Tags

  • Reasons for success

  • Raw numbers

10. Newsletter plug

Twitter is a crazy platform with a mercurial algorithm. Can't trust it. It's already limiting reach, can even ban my account any day.

That's why I try to plug my newsletter under well performing tweets. It's annoying, but it works. Got a bunch of subscribers from there.

That's it for today!

Tell me which Twitter hacks are your favorite? Are there any which I should be using?

You can also read this post in thread version on Twitter.


πŸ“’ New Launch Alert

Registrations are now open for the October cohort of the Indie Masterminds program. Over the last 3 months I've ran 9 groups with 30+ members and the value proposition of the program has crystallized quite nicely now.

I guarantee 3 things to the members who join us -

  1. Clarity, focus and direction towards your goals πŸ˜‡

  2. Personalized feedback and insights you can apply instantlyπŸ“

  3.  Accountability from trusted peers πŸ«‚

Members have reported increased revenue, productivity and momentum in their projects.

You should join if you're -

  • Starting a side hustle πŸ’ͺ

  • Building a Startup πŸ“ˆ

  • Growing a business πŸ’Έ

Once you join, you will become a part of a tight-knit group of solopreneurs on a similar stage of their journey and with a similar business model as yours.

So we can cross pollinate insights with each other and all of us can grow together.

Plus, once you join you get all my info products as free bonuses πŸŽ‰ (worth $500+)

These bonuses will help you at every step in your journey - Building an audience, creating products, selling products.

So, if you're up for it, then join in πŸ‘‡

The last date to join - 30th September πŸ“†

We start in the first week of October.

See you inside πŸ‘‹

πŸ“’ Shout out of the week

This week's shout out is for Josh Spector's newsletter For The Interested.

No fluff, to the point, 1 actionable insight after another.

I consistently find gems in this newsletter. I think it's a must read for all creative entrepreneurs. I know people like Justin Welsh and Jay Clouse read it every day 🀩

If you aren't a subscriber, you're missing out. Sign up below -

πŸ‘‹ Bottomline

Time to go, these were my best performing tweets from last week -

Thank you for reading, see you again next week πŸ™

Whenever you're ready, there are 3 ways I can help you:

πŸ¦‰ 21 simple tips to get your first 1000 Twitter followers (without losing your mind) here.

✍️ Write high converting copy like a pro here

🧠 Find your Mastermind here.

Very Important note:

If you’ve not been having fun here, please consider unsubscribing. I don’t mind.

No hard feelings.

I’d rather you unsubscribe than not open the newsletter.

But if you do enjoy it.

Please do me a favor, please ask one of your friends to subscribe. I rely on word of mouth to grow this newsletter. It would mean a lot to meπŸ™



PS: Help me improve this newsletter for you, tell me what you thought of it? Pick an emoji below πŸ‘‡