Tweet Length Copywriting

How I got 150 email subs from a single tweet

Tell me this - how good of a copywriter are you?

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No matter your stage, your copywriting expertise is put through a real test when you write for Twitter.

The character limit forces you to cut the fluff and stick to the core of your message.

That's why I love to call Twitter the world's best copywriting competition. 

Now, I'm no 6 figure copywriter, but I do love copywriting and keep practicing by iterating the copy across all my products, newsletters, tweets etc.

Some stuff works, some doesn't.

But 1 framework that I've seen consistently work for me is a modified version of the the AIDA framework. I like to call it AIPA, and it can fit into a Tweet!

Today I'll break it down with an example.

So this week I added 150+ email subs off of a single tweet. This was a great result for me, because amidst the chaos at Twitter, having people's email addresses is suddenly way more important than it was before.

I've tried a bunch of frameworks before, and after hundreds of iterations, I've started using a modified version of AIDA for my launch tweets.

First, let's back up a little.

There are 3 broad frameworks that all of us should know and use in our copy -

  • AIDA - Attention, Interest, Desire, Action

  • PAS - Problem, Agitate, Solution

  • BAB - Before, After, Bridge

You can google the definitions and learn the basics of each framework.

The problem with most of them is that they take up too many words. So you have to get a bit creative when trying to fit them into a tweet.

So I iterated on the AIDA framework a few times, and used it in my launch tweets.

This is the latest example -

Let's look at each element -


You must capture the reader's attention within the first 1 or 2 words of your tweet.

I've used words like "Announcement" or "Alright - Let's do this"

Such words trigger action, and represent something of significance.

You can pick any words that fit these properties. Using emojis and/or ALL CAPS adds more emphasis. You can also use numbers within the first line to grab attention.

But it's important that the first line stands on it's own, and can be easily viewed distanced from the rest of the tweet. This is what helps the reader get to the next line.

If you do this, you've captured the reader's attention.

And next, you have to get them interested.


You don't have a lot of space to describe your offer here.

You have to explain it quickly and get the reader interested.

I usually go with -

"I'm launching/building X


The title and subtitle are important here because you want to be very clear of what you're launching. There should be no doubt in the reader's mind of what to expect.

Once you do that, you can move to creating desire for your offer.


So traditional methods of creating desire end up taking too many words, I find them hard to fit into a Tweet.

This is why I use 2-3 short bullets to position the offer.

You can use positioning to explain who the offer is for, but more interestingly, this activity makes very clear who this offer is NOT for.

So in today's example, the offer is not for anyone who's not interested in building startups.

This alienates creators, freelancers, writers - majority of my audience.

But the people on the fence? Who think they might some day need to get first 100 users for a startup? Or they think they can apply these lessons to their own work?

To them, this positioning makes the product more desirable.

They don't want to be left out - the right positioning triggers FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) in the people on the fence.

And FOMO forces people to take action.

Which is the last part of this framework.


You want to make it very clear what action you want the readers to take.

And the last line is for that.

But before that also have some space to trigger the FOMO.

That's why I added the "$0 for the next 24 hours" line.

So that people know that they must act NOW if they are even a little interested.

Of course, making the product free also makes it a no brainer, but I've seen this work with other paid products as well. Especially when I raise prices after a few initial sales.

This worked really well for my writing course earlier this year. I kept raising prices, and thankfully people kept buying -

So yes, giving something away for free helps a lot with conversions.

But you can also try this framework with paid products.

Final word

Finally it's good to remember that you can be the best copywriter in the world, but the product you're offering has to be really good. If your offer doesn't match up to the copy then you will lose trust of your audience.

So make sure your final product is good.

Hope you found this useful, just hit reply and let me know :)


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Recommendations of the week

  • Have you read the Craftsman Creative newsletter? It's from Daren Smith. Daren helps creators build 6 figure businesses. That's a powerful promise, and Daren actually has expertise on the topic. I enjoy reading it every week, do check it out. He also has a really cool free 5 day email course to get you on boarded. Make sure you sign up.

  • This week I found the MarIndie newsletter. Its a fantastic, straight to the point, no fluff curation of effective growth strategies for indie startups and creators. Of course, I liked this newsletter issue the most :)


Time to go, these were my best performing tweets from last week, you might like them -

Whenever you're ready, there are 3 ways I can help you: