πŸ‘‹ A simple product for you

πŸš€ Updates on the 25in25 challenge | The Indie Creator | Issue #41

Hey there πŸ‘‹

Hope you're doing good.

Today I've got 3 updates for you around the 25in25 challenge.

πŸš€ First off - A small new product.

Have you ever wanted to launch a product on Twitter?

And do it really well?

Get a bunch of sales on launch day?

Well then you're going to love this. I'm building a swipe file of 50+ wildly successful product launches on Twitter.

This database will be extremely useful to get inspiration, insights and ideas for your product launches.

I launched it yesterday on Twitter, and started the prelaunch sale. 

I'll be officially releasing it on Tuesday, but till then, as a subscriber, you can get it at half the price, so make sure to check it out from the link below πŸ‘‡

Launch Like a Pro

I laid out my reasons for building this product in this short thread.

πŸ’‘ The Mastermind groups

I'm having the first calls of the indie mastermind program this week. And they're going really well 🀩

I already kick started the slack channel with all 12 members last week, and people were sharing feedback with each other there already.

But the real value was in the hot seats for each person.

And I'm so stoked that the hot seats so far have gone really well. The entire group has found tremendous value from the hot seats.

Initially I wasn't sure, but now I think there's  a solid chance that I will run the program again next month. 

If you're interested, you can join the waitlist here.

πŸ¦‰ Blue Bird Essentials Launch Numbers

Some raw numbers on the launch so far:

Revenue - $144 (106 from Twitter, 38 from email)

Views - 571 (498 from Twitter, 55 from email)

6% conversion rate from Twitter, 20% from email, 0% from everywhere else.

I'm sharing these numbers not to boast, but to articulate that these 2 are my primary channels of traffic right now.

I've tried Reddit, HN, IH but didn't get much traction from there. So looks like I'm going to double down on Twitter and email.

Also, I must say a presence on Twitter in priceless ⭐

Even with a small following I'm able to get such great results.

If you don't want to spend money on ads, then an organic audience on Twitter is your best bet on getting traffic to your products.

πŸ’Ž Interesting Nuggets

Some interesting nuggets from my bookmarks - 

How to get website traffic from Twitter | Josh Spector.

Great tips, I already do a few, but I need to up my game, thanks Josh.

Say good bye to perfectionism | Dickie Bush

Content Writing Fundamentals | Erica Schneider

Great framework to think about your writing 🀌

πŸ‘‹ Bottomline

My top 3 tweets from last week:

Build a business, not a startup.Got some hate as well for this tweet πŸ™ˆ

1 principle to live life by 

Got 101 beautiful responses πŸ’œ

My sales strategy as an introvert

Got plenty of support, but some criticism as well for this one. I've realized the tweets that do well, they reach a wider audience, often people who are not part of my Twitter bubble, and they end up not enjoying the tweet.

The algo is doing strange things these days, and its not working πŸ™„

That's my time this week.  See you next week πŸ‘‹

Important note:

 if you’ve not been having fun here, please consider unsubscribing.

I don’t mind.

No hard feelings.

I’d rather you unsubscribe than not open the newsletter.

But if you do enjoy it.

Please do me a favor, please ask one of your friends to subscribe.

I rely on word of mouth to grow this newsletter.

It would mean a lot to meπŸ™
