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  • Know your "Why", 1 question interviews, interesting nuggets, tweets you may have missed, and a lot more...

Know your "Why", 1 question interviews, interesting nuggets, tweets you may have missed, and a lot more...

πŸš€ Updates from The Indie Creator | Issue #36

Hey there πŸ‘‹

Hope you're good.

A quick announcement πŸ“’

I'm raising prices for my writing course in the next 24 hours (June 1stπŸ“†).

If you've been thinking about getting it, but not sure whether it's right for you or not, do checkout public reviews of the course from other students. Like this one and this one.

Today is the best deal you can get for the course.

Now, let's get started πŸ‘‡

πŸ™‹β€β™‚οΈ1 Question Interviews

Kicking off a new series today: 1 question interviews of the most successful creator-entrepreneurs.

My first guest is Josh Spector.

My Question:

If you lost all your audience today, and had to start over from scratch, how would you start? You have all the knowledge you have today, but 0 audience, what's the strategy as a creator-entrepreneur?

Josh' Answer:

"It would start with what my overall goal was. Audience growth is a tool that can help you accomplish a goal, it’s not a goal itself. So first I’d have to figure out what I wanted to accomplish, then who I needed to reach to accomplish it, then what those people value, then how I could provide that value to them in order to attract them."

"Whatever I did from an audience growth standpoint would be hyper specific and aligned with my goal and the people I wanted to attract to accomplish it."

"Btw I actually think a huge mistake lots of people make is they try to grow an audience but have no idea why they want one or who they want it to be or what they want that audience to do. Those people inevitably wind up very frustrated."

Final Word:

Listen to Josh guys, don't blindly go after building an audience, know your "why" and go hyper specific. I know you are multi-passionate, but when you're starting to build anything online, you need to go super narrow. Serve a very specific audience. That's the best way to grow from 0.

PS: Do let me know of what you think of such 1 - question interviews, if you have someone in mind, feel free to let me know, I will do my best to reach out to them and interview them.

PPS: I got the idea for this segment from Josh' skill sessions, highly recommend it.

Interesting Nuggets

Competition is cool from Hassan

Life of an artist from Elon Musk

Timeless Wisdom From Tim Urban

Pro Tip of the week

Ask questions openly.

The benefit is three-fold.

  • It leads to interesting conversations πŸ˜€

  • You get answers directly from the horse's mouth. Your audience tells you directly what they prefer.

  • It helps other people in your audience who might be having the same question.

Win-win-win πŸ†

Example from last week, now I'm working on a landing page for my writing course.

My Best Tweets you may have missed

I launched this database yesterday, but first got some interest by publicly tweeting about it.

Got much love from the journaling community on this Tweet:

This was really unpopular opinion πŸ˜†

Got some hate as well for this.

Wrote a thread about book The Millionaire Fastlane

Blast from the past πŸ”₯

This week, last year:

Recommended Follow of the week

Ben Barbersmith

One of the most interesting accounts in the indie maker space.

Shares his journey openly. His personal as well as professional life.

Plenty of learn from him

That's it for this week. See you next week πŸ‘‹

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if you’ve not been having fun here, please consider unsubscribing.

I don’t mind.

No hard feelings.

I’d rather you unsubscribe than not open the newsletter.

But if you do enjoy it.

Please do me a favor, please ask one of your friends to subscribe.

It would mean a lot to meπŸ™

