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πŸ’ͺ 3 Business lessons I learned after hiring a Fitness coach


I'm fat.

There's no other word for it. I weigh 93 Kilograms and my height is 5'10". The technical term for it is obese and my BMI is in a range I'm too afraid to calculate.

But back in June this was worse, I used to weigh 101 Kilograms. That's when I hired a personal fitness coach for myself and got serious about my fitness.

Today I want to talk about the 3 business lessons I learned after hiring a fitness coach.

But before that, one quick update about the Indie Masterminds program.

πŸ“… The last date to register is 31st August.

Thank you everyone who has already signed up πŸ™

There are 8 registrations so far, so 2 groups are full.

There is space for 1 more group (so 4 more members can join)

If you're a creator entrepreneur looking to -

  • Start a side hustle

  • Build a startup

  • Grow your business

Then you will find the program useful.

When you join you get -

🧠 Private Mastermind Group

πŸ’Ί Weekly Hot Seats

🀝 1:1 Curated Intros

πŸ€— Lifetime community access

And a lot more...

You can check the "How It works" section on the landing page to find out all the details.

And while you're there, you can also check out the honest reviews from other members.

When you're ready, you can apply to join from the button below πŸ‘‡

Now, onto today's topic -

I've lost 8 KGs in the last 10 weeks since hiring a personal fitness coach. And there's more to come, the way we are going, I'm confident I'll lose another 6-8 KGs over the next 3 months.

Here's what I realized after hiring a coach -

There's no rocket science to fitness. Being fit basically boils down to 2 things -

  1. Watch what you eat

  2. Work out regularly

That's it really.

Still it's so hard to actually pull it off. It's one of those things that is simple but not easy.

That's why when the weighing scale crossed 3 figures, I had to take serious action. I did some research, found a coach and got started on a program with her.

There are 3 main reasons why I think I've found success with her, and I think these reasons apply to entrepreneurship as well.

Quick Feedback

Once we worked out the meal and exercise plans, it was a matter of me executing on them.

This is for the first time in my life that I'm following a planned exercise regimen. That too with a complex home gym setup that includes dumb bells and resistance tubes.

Here's how it works -

I do a work out, shoot a video of it, and send it over to my coach.

She looks at it, points out my mistakes, shoots a video of the right way to do it, and sends it over to me.

And then I get better at it.

I could have done every workout by watching YouTube videos, but I couldn't have actually benefited from it as I was doing most things wrong.

My coach's feedback set me on the right track to losing weight.


I know every Monday I will have a call with my fitness coach, she will ask me if I did all the workouts or not? Did I eat right or not? What's my weight this week?

And the feeling of not having the right answers to these questions forces me to work out and eat right every day.

This external accountability works better for me than my own internal accountability systems. On my own I can get lazy, but when I know I'm accountable to someone else, I take positive action.

That's just how our brains work!


During bad weeks and good, I know my coach will give me the right advice. She's not my friend or family, so she doesn't say what "I want to hear". Instead she says what I need to hear.

When I'm down, she encourages me to buck up and focus on my next week's goals. And when I'm overconfident, she brings me back on the ground by reminding me that I still need to put in the reps every week.

That kind of support is hard to get from someone other than a coach.

Over time I've realized that these 3 aspects are exactly how the best entrepreneurs grow as well -

  1. Feedback

  2. Accountability

  3. Support

Like fitness, business is simple. The rules are quite elementary -

  1. Build something people want.

  2. Charge them money for it.

Again, simple not easy!

We know what needs to be done, but we need someone else to keep us on track. We need feedback, accountability and support.

Yea, crazy right!

It's a steal for Alex because he believes these coaching calls will help him become a Billionaire.

Yea, that's the power of business coaching. It's a huge step up in your entrepreneurship journey.

But solopreneurs, creators and indie hackers like us cannot afford that kind of coaching.

Dare I say, the next best thing we can do is join a mastermind πŸ˜€

Feedback, Accountability and Support are the essence of the indie masterminds program.

I'm building it because I want to help people bring about a step change in their entrepreneurship journey.

If you can hire a business coach then please go ahead, you will benefit massively from the move, just like I benefited from a fitness coach.

But if not, then consider joining a mastermind.

As one of the members said - "This might be the best thing you do for your business"

Cheers πŸ€—

✍️ Pro Tip of the week

Start monetizing your side hustle.

If you have a full time job, this is the perfect time to start building an audience and a business on the side. That's the best chance you give yourself to manage the risk of an impending recession.

Here's how you can go about it -

  • Build an audience on Twitter or LinkedIn (Mostly by engaging with larger accounts and writing threads/carousel posts)

  • Make free products.

  • Give them away to people in exchange for their email.

  • This is your owned audience, free of platform risk.

  • Now you can make paid products and upsell them to this audience.

  • Or sell them affiliate products.

  • Or run a newsletter and sell sponsorships.

There are many ways to do this. And you can pick what you want but in general this is the blueprint I've seen most creators succeed with, and this is what I am trying myself as well.

Know that an owned audience is a moat against the recession. Your boss will fire you and you will find it hard to find another job. But even if a subscriber goes away you can always find more subscribers 🀷

Think about it πŸ€”

πŸ‘‹ Bottomline

Time to go, these were my best performing tweets from last week -

1 Business book every founder must read -

Got some amazing replies here -

I usually don't comment on the tweets by corporate thought leaders. But here I was tagged by a friend to share my opinion.

And I got a bit triggered πŸ™Š

Got a shout out by the amazing Daniel Vassallo on Twitter.

I strongly feel creator entrepreneurs need to build more products and services and put more buy buttons on the internet. This is my battle cry πŸ’ͺ

Thank you for reading πŸ™ 

That's my time this week. See you next week πŸ‘‹ 

Important note:

If you’ve not been having fun here, please consider unsubscribing.

I don’t mind.

No hard feelings.

I’d rather you unsubscribe than not open the newsletter.

But if you do enjoy it.

Please do me a favor, please ask one of your friends to subscribe.

I rely on word of mouth to grow this newsletter.

It would mean a lot to meπŸ™ 

